Investment Planning Strategy | Obispo Wealth Management CA


We will work with you based on your goals and risk tolerance to develop the proper investment plan. As an Independent advisor, we have access to a wide range of investments and services that allow us to recommend the most suitable investments for you on various platforms.

Investment Platforms

  • IRA’s
  • ROTH IRA’s
  • Trust Accounts
  • Individual/Joint Accounts
  • Cash Management Accounts
  • Insurance
  • Business Accounts
  • Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans
  • Lending Solutions
  • Direct Investments with Asset Managers


  • Mutual Funds
  • Stocks
  • Taxable & Tax-Free Bonds
  • Money Markets
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
  • Annuities
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Private Equity Funds
  • Managed Futures
  • Third Party Money Managers
  • Tax-Advantaged Investments
  • And Much More…


Investment Planning Strategy | Obispo Wealth Management CA

The Investment Process

  1. Start with the end in mind, your Financial Goals, which are you life's dreams and aspirations.  Dream Big!
  2. Look at where you are today by laying out your current Financial, Tax, Income and Family situation.
  3. Do an assessment of your Risk Tolerance:
    • How much Risk are you willing to take from investment losses.
    • How much Risk do you need to take to achieve your goals.
    • How much Risk are you currently taking with your existing portfolio.
    • Balancing the Risk with the Reward for a happy medium.
  4. Get a written Investment Strategy Plan and implement it.
  5. At least Annually, Review your Investment Plan against your investment strategy to:
    • Rebalance the portfolio
    • Tax-Loss Harvest Gains and Losses to minimize taxes
    • Change investments as needed based on market conditions
  6. Periodically Start the Process over because life happens and things change.


Finally, work with an experienced Financial Advisor who can help make the process easy. 

Learn more the about overall wealth management process